This is the page where you can show your interest for our work to implement promession in your part of the world. Warm thank you for signing up with your name and contact details here. Highly appreciated.
It is simple, free of any cost and very valuable. Thanks to you and many more Promessa friends it will be much easier to bring promession to your part of the world. Together we can show politicians and decision makers that we are many who demands improvements within the burial sector. We can show the world that we can unite in this important matter that concerns all of us.
We can get information out to many at the same time, as a movement amongst private persons, and that could show out to be very important. Promessa is the only organisation within the burial sector, having this fantastic support. We know that there are millions of Promessa friends out there, all around the world, please let it be possible for others to recognize this. Tell everyone you know to show their interest.
Many persons around the world have expressed that they would choose promession if it was available when, one day, they need it. Promessa is working faithfully to make promession available in your part of the world. As we are a large and constantly growing group of Promessa Friends, we have the pleasure of being able to demonstrate more clearly what we want and that will be of a big help for all of us.