On our www.Promessa’s subpage ‘show your interest’ everyone can sign up to become a Promessa Friend. This is a way for you to be kept up to date through a few Newsletters a year with our latest progress and milestones. But the number of Promessa Friends (close to 3000 as of today) is also of tremendous help when we talk to politicians, influencers, governments, etc., because with your support they are more interested in listening. Thank you very much for this!
But, besides sending you our Newsletters, we would also like to meet you guys in person, to thank you for your support, and learn more about what you like the most about Promession. Over the years we have heard so many fantastic reasons and we want to hear more. That is one of the reasons why we are arranging Promessa Friends Gatherings around the world. These are informal gatherings where we invite all our Promessa Friends in a certain geographic area. At these gatherings one or more from our team will be present to give you the latest update, and also answer all your questions.
The first ever Promessa Friends Gathering was arranged in New York city, in mid September. It was great for us to spend two hours with some of our many Promessa Friends located in or close to Manhattan. We learned a lot and met with very interesting people. There were also a lot of information exchange going on at the meeting, where Promessa Friends brought interesting information with them for us and everyone’s benefits. A huge ‘Thank you’ to everyone who showed up. You are the best!
Promessa Friends Gatherings is something we will be arranging more frequently going forward. If you would like us to come to your specific area, please comment below, or send us a direct email on info@promessa.se

Promessa Friends Gathering Times Square New York