We are happy to announce that Promessa has recently signed an agreement with a Promessa Educational Partner for the Netherlands!

“Knowledge and understanding are two of the most important pillars for Promessa in our process of supporting the death care industry. That is why we have developed our Promessa MasterClass program, where we teach an improved business model for the death care industry. The industry will gain from offering private persons what they really ask for. That is also why we are looking for partners that can help us offer this program throughout the world, and in Donjah Hartsuijker we found exactly what we are looking for” says Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak, CEO of Promessa. “Donjah participated at our first Promessa MasterClass education program last fall and we are very grateful that we managed to bring her on board as an Educational Partner for the Netherlands.”

“Although I am a funeral attendant and civil celebrant by profession, attending Promessa’s MasterClass program made me realize that there are is so much in regards to death care I just did not know. Yes, I knew about the business and ethical side of things, but what about the biological, environmental and more unknown ethical issues? After completing the program I realized I wanted to use this new knowledge and help spreading it in my home country of Netherland. With Promessa everything comes together” says Donjah Hartsuijker of Promessa Holland.

Promessa offers Promession®, an environmentally friendly method developed to take care of human remains after death. The concept focuses on letting nature’s preferred method of aerobic decomposition to take place. This avoids the creation of methane gas and pollution of groundwater, which are environmentally problems with traditional burials. For those who prefer ashes and cremation, Promessa has also developed a green cremation method which releases significantly less pollutants, like furans, NOx and Dioxins. Promessa can also with the Promession method guarantee Zero Mercury release, which is impossible with the existing methods of today.

Promessa continues to receive interest from many countries around the world, and we look forward to announce more partners as they sign up.

About Promessa:

Promessa is a Swedish company which has developed and offers the environmentally friendly and ecological funeral concept of Promession®. Promession solves the important issues in the death care industry regarding unsustainable land usage and pollution of our vital resources; soil, water and air. Private persons around the world find that Promessa is offering important and appealing solutions to a topic that concerns every one of us.



About Promessa Holland

Promessa Holland is an independent company founded with the mission of raising awareness and educating to those interested and aiding in the process of bringing the concept of Promession to Holland. CEO Donjah Hartsuijker can be reached at +31 (0)6 11 462 462 and donjah@promessa.se



Orange crocus in snow

Beautiful orange crocuses in snow
