In memory of Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak


Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak


This section is a very special one. It is a humble tribute to our appreciated friend, colleague, spouse and founder of Promessa, Susanne Wiigh-Mäsak, who passed away on September 1st of 2020 in her home country, Sweden. During the last year Susanne fought cancer, though with her usual positivism, and always with words of encouragement for others.

About Susanne 

Susanne was born on August 9th of 1956 in Gothenburg, Sweden. When she was just a kid she showed an interest for plants, and as an adult, gardening became a passion, whereas composting became an essential part of the hobby, and thus the organic circle of life became a natural practice. This behavior was certainly kind of a legacy from her father, who in his own way practiced and applied the rule of doing the obviously right things, if nobody else appeared as the good example. Susanne’s mother always encouraged Susanne with praise, by telling her that she will manage everything she takes on. That’s why Susanne always felt qualified in her mission, among others she started to train people about aerobic composting – Susanne even marketed her own designed compost bin.

Almost 25 years ago (in the mid 90-s), Susanne realized what her mission in life was going to be. As a biologist (BA in Science, Biology from the University of Gothenburg) , she knew the science behind the organic decomposition, the organic circle of life and intelligently she connected her knowledge within biology with the funeral industry. She realized that once our life ended, our bodies are nothing else but organic matter, so she could not pass on the opportunity to do something really good for the environment, the society, and for individuals, by helping the funeral industry truly understand and adhering to the most preferred circle of organic life in Nature, the way it was intended – and thus to be distinctly separated from our individual thoughts about our soul.

Susanne founded the company Promessa in 2001. Since then she has been dedicated in body and soul to spread the word of her respectful and environmentally friendly burial method, Promession®. Susanne attended and spoke at trade-shows and exhibitions world wide, and at conferences such as Idea City and TEDx, not to forget all the interviews she gave to journalist from countries all around the world. She researched, designed, developed and tested the technical equipment with her husband Peter, who is also a biologist. She met with and talked to investors, funeral homes, governments, administrations and churches in many countries on all continents, but no other country became as close to her heart as her beloved South Korea. Susanne didn’t only focus on the traditionally important corporate contacts, but dedicated time to personally answer emails coming from individuals and Promessa Friends from more than 100 countries. Her last years were focused on selecting and training Promessa Representatives and Ambassadors, to continue the mission to launch the environmentally friendly and climate smart solution that Promession is. There were good and difficult times, but true to her nature, Susanne always managed to have a positive answer and a lot of patience.

Susanne has left us a great legacy in the advancement and improvement that Promession provides to our environment, our society and individuals. A legacy that we, together with you and everybody else who wants a sustainable alternative, are committed to turn into a reality, not only for Susanne, but for the planet, and thus for ourselves, for our children, and generations to come …

Susanne would have liked to be a gift back to nature, but for the time being her wish couldn’t be fully met, so let’s work on so that it sonn will become a reality, and a natural option for all.

We will miss you a lot, our dearest Susanne.


Susanne at the Ideacity Talks


Some of our Promessa Friends’ messages about Susanne

“She was a wonderful & beautiful person. The world has lost another great gifted person” – Anna M.P.

“I met her 3 years ago when she came to Hong Kong. She is a nice person and having smiles face all the times” – Em E.

“I will remember her in Colombia as that entrepreneur, concerned with contributing to the planet, please do not allow her legacy to die” – Sebastián G.

“She really was a fiery soul for Promessa!” – Ammi L.

“You gave so much and it felt like I felt you” – Susanne V.

“I had the pleasure of talking with Susanne once.  She was a visionary” – Lisa M

“Susanne was such a beautiful, warm, visionary and generous person” – Sara K.

“Susanne was an inspiration, exceptional lady whom I had the benefit of meeting. Her work is inspirational and I trust it will go on” – Kevin A.

“One of the greatest heroes and most beautiful souls of all time has fallen asleep and enriched the starry sky above us. Great loss and grief” – Natti K.

“The world needed Susanne for many more years. Now we must guard all her successes and bring Promessa to its completion” – Kerstin P.

“Very sad that you did not get to continue to push and inspire with your your and Peter’s big project” – Ulla B.

“She was truly an inspiration and I hope Promession becomes the norm throughout the globe” – Debbie O.

“I will miss your beautiful photos of everything wonderful in nature” – Marie Luise T.

I promise to do what I can to carry on the legacy” – Kajsa W.

“Finest Susanne who paved the way for a better world” – Monica G.

“Such a tireless fighter Susanne! – Seppo K.

“You were a great fighter for what you took as your life task! – Inga F.

Nice, wise, generous, caring Susanne, what a loss for your family, friends and the world that you did not get more time” – Anna E.

“She had such a wonderful energy” – Victor M.

“I worked with Susanne on that writing, and deeply appreciated her commitment and vision and life’s work. The world is a far better place because Susanne lived and gave her gifts to us all” – Lucinda H.

Let us continue to support Susanne’s important life’s work – Lina L.

Her knowledge was RIGHT and I was grateful to have been able to talk to her. Basically she told me: change happens take care of the earth do your best….” – Hanna F.

“You have been so totally present in so many contexts and spread Your wisdom and ingenuity in so many ways. Thank you for giving us the privilege of getting to know you a little, a little grand. You fascinated me early on, and I’ve been following you longer that I can remember…It was a pleasant moment, the one when we saw each other a few years ago. Thank you for that moment too, you professional woman – human down to the smallest detail. Your memory and your stranger power will live forever with me, and I will be reminded of your deed in every contact with God’s beautiful nature. Thank you being there! “- Elisabeth G.


Some of our Promessa Friends’s messages about Promessa (digital book created by Susanne)



Susanne’s speech at TEDx

If you want to see Susanne’s speech about Promessa in 2016, please click the link below. In this video, Susanne is explaining the principles of the Promession method.

TEDx Susanne


The Promessa Cards created by Susanne

And please see the Promessa Cards, being built from anonymous Promessa friends’ beautiful comments and our photos, most of all Susanne’s own photos from her garden:


