Although the funeral industry worldwide is extremely slow to move in a more sustainable direction, there are some people inside the established industry here and there that sees that the change is inevitable. One of these individuals was involved in arranging Necropolis TanExpo in Russia this year, and this person asked us if we could come and present promession to everyone there.
We had a few Promessa Friends in Russia already, but given the size of the country it is clear that not too many in Russia had heard about Promession. We had also never been in Russia presenting about promession before, so when this opportunity presented itself we agreed to accept the invitation. Necropolis TanExpo is the largest funeral exhibition in Russia, and its mission is to “ form new positive attitude of the society towards ethical, social, and ecological aspects of funeral activities.” 
Our contact person did a great job with arranging everything prior to the exhibition, so it was very easy for us to present about promession. We have seen a huge increase in the number of Russian Promessa Friends after the exhibition, and we have also received serious interest from organizations wanting to help bringing promession to Russia, as it is needed there also.


CEO and Founder Susanne talking during her presentation at Necropolis TanExpo Russia 2017

CEO and Founder Susanne talking during her presentation at Necropolis TanExpo Russia 2017